Monday, March 9, 2020


In this article, we will look at the reasons for the appearance of the Coronavirus from the standpoint of astrology, and also consider which Zodiac signs will be most vulnerable in terms of health in 2020.

-Let me remind you that shortly before the appearance of the Coronavirus, on January 12, 2020, there was a remarkable connection between Saturn and Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn. The last connection was 08.11.1982-remember the events of this time and their consequences.

The Saturn-Pluto connection is one of the most important connections in the world of astrology, which appears to the world about three times a century and brings not only global changes, but also all sorts of global troubles. The planets mercury and the Sun were also included in this connection. And the lunar Eclipse before this event seemed to open the door for a more powerful release of negative energies, although, to be more precise, these doors opened in December 2019 during the solar Eclipse.

I will not bore readers with astrological terms, I will only say that the line of powerful influence of this connection passes just across the Eastern part of China right along Wuhan Hubei and then extends across our Far East and Yakutia. The most correct decision of our government is to quickly close the land border and air links with China.

Also, the zone of the strongest influence of the connection of the planets is in the middle of the entire continent of South America and also affects North America in its Eastern part near Washington. These parts of the world are becoming the most problematic for the next thirty years.

But if we talk about the reasons - first, there are animals under the control of Saturn: snakes, bats, crows, all amphibians, rats, spiders. All these "Goodies" are especially popular in exotic Chinese cuisine. Among them you need to look for the cause. And secondly, Pluto is responsible for the underground Kingdom, nuclear energy, excavations, scientific top-secret experiments with a bactriological component - here, too,everything is not so clear. The sign of Capricorn is an animal sign, the sign of the element Earth. Therefore, the origin of the virus is clearly not cosmic, but quite terrestrial.

By the way, the annual Feng Shui map of a flying star also does not stand aside, but confirms our astrological picture. This year, the star five yellow diseases and epidemics affects the Eastern direction on the scale of countries, regions and even continents.

In the Natal map of China, Pluto is located in the 8th house of death, and in the present time it is also in the exact square of the transit Proserpine. Proserpine moves very slowly. The destructive power of the aspect will remain until 2022. New viruses can also appear there, and various natural disasters will not pass by.

Proserpine in medical astrology is a very evil planet that has a devastating effect on blood plasma, immunity, tissue regeneration, and causes new dangerous incurable diseases and transmutations.

The transit Proserpine is located in Scorpio, again in the water sign indicating seafood, amphibious inhabitants, and there it acquires the evil Martian qualities, adding a component of high temperature and fever to the disease.
Thus, the defeat of Pluto by Proserpine in the Natal map eloquently indicates the dangers of infecting the area.

But the Saturn-Pluto connection occurred in the Chinese economy and Finance sector, so my long-term forecast for the country's economy is negative. We will see all this.

If we talk about the time of the epidemic's decline, we need to wait until June or July. There will be the next solar Eclipse on June 21, which can close this page of history. By this time, some of the consequences are likely to be minimized. And in the long term, the danger will continue for another 2 years. Further, no one is immune from the appearance of new viruses.

The dates of 2020 will be especially dangerous-

I also want to give you some examples of some non-random coincidences from history:
In 1720, an epidemic of bubonic plague began, which killed more than 100,000 people in Marseille and a number of cities in Provence.

In 1820, a yellow fever epidemic raged in the United States, and at the same time, the first cholera epidemic broke out. The death toll was calculated in six figures.

In 1920, the world was experiencing a severe pandemic of Spanish flu-the Spanish flu.
Each epidemic lasted about two years.

And now, on the threshold of 2020, Rats (which are also carriers of any infection, so the name justifies itself) have overtaken the world with a new epidemic called Coronavirus.

Something is wrong with the twenties, every hundred years, terrible events are repeated. Therefore, you should not relax in the next two years.

In 2011, by the way, the now-forgotten film "Contagion" was released, in which an international organization of doctors, together with the Center for disease control and prevention of the United States, tries to prevent the spread of a deadly virus from Hong Kong.
The film aggressively promoted the idea that "soon the world will be infected".

Medical Astrology considers the appearance of diseases, including viruses, as the result of certain combinations of planets in bad aspects. So it is the combination of Saturn and Pluto that brings with it dangerous viral infections. Pluto is a planet of collective consciousness, and its influence usually affects entire peoples and continents.

Pluto itself causes damage to the lymph nodes, nasal mucosa, destroys the immune system, causes cancer, AIDS, mental illness, as well as diseases from infection of the earth element, epidemics and pandemics, against which drugs are powerless. Pluto is also responsible for the spread of diseases throughout the country, the whole world, the dangers to life and mysterious deaths. And Saturn makes diseases long and painful.

Unfortunately, everyone gets sick with the flu virus, sometimes several times a year. Special attention to your lifestyle and nutrition this year should be paid, first of all, to Capricorns, Aries, Libra and Cancers, and second of all-to Fish and Sagittarius. That is, these are the signs that experience the greatest negative from the Saturn-Pluto connection until the summer.

In conclusion, I want to tell you that the greatest treasure of a person is health. And everyone's dream is a life without diseases, longevity. A person falls ill mainly with those diseases that have a tendency in the horoscope. Everything is very individual. The horoscope shows the weak and strong sides of a person, problem periods, and how they will appear depends only on the personal attitude to life. You can see what happens: one person is ill with all the diseases, a lot of operations, and lives to a very old age. And there are healthy, athletic people, and they have beauty, and youth, and health is given by nature, and the planets do not interfere with them in any way in longevity - and they themselves destroy themselves, cause irreparable harm to themselves by bad deeds, and leave life early.

Therefore, be reasonable, focus on a healthy diet, and observe hygiene. This year, pomegranate, sesame, nuts, almonds, and honey will be especially healing. Be healthy, take care of your loved ones! ©

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